Parking, St. Louis County, Transportation

Micro-Transit: A Better Use for TDD

A couple of weeks back, Patrick Richmond wrote a mailbag letter in the Webster-Kirkwood Times that I think made some great points: First, I think he's spot on that the only real way of combatting congestion and a perceived shortage of parking in a growing Kirkwood is to get some people to switch from driving… Continue reading Micro-Transit: A Better Use for TDD


Kirkwood-Webster Shuttle

According to Walkable City (p.155), transit works when you get four factors right regardless of scale: urbanity, clarity, frequency and pleasure. Urbanity essentially meaning that the route has walkable, significant, urban attractions at both ends; Clarity refers to the idea that routes should be easy to comprehend and visualize. Frequency is pretty self explanatory but… Continue reading Kirkwood-Webster Shuttle