A new 125-unit, mixed-use, independent living project is in the works for 300-350 N. Kirkwood Road, a site currently occupied by Commerce Bank and its parking lot. Sound familiar? No, this is not the Kirkwood Flats/UMB Bank proposal, (that one would be across the street), but rather a brand new project in what is turning… Continue reading 125 Apartments Coming to Commerce Bank Site?
Height, ADUs & Kirkwood’s Backwards Vision
On Thursday February 27th, Kirkwood City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed changes to our zoning code. Those changes cover four-ish main areas: Single-family lot coverage, multi-family density and height, signage, and bicycle parking. Lots of things will be tweaked but it appears that very little will change. All streets inside circle… Continue reading Height, ADUs & Kirkwood’s Backwards Vision
144 West Adams
Update 06/07/2023 The fourth unit is back, and the design has changed as the project makes its way back before the Architectural Review Board this week. Update 10/17/2020 144 W. Adams is back on the agenda with a new look and one fewer unit. Where the previous plans called for four units and room for… Continue reading 144 West Adams
The State of the County
Story Update (02/11/2020) On January 26th, 2020, the story below was finalized and published. Today, sixteen days after that original story, things have continued to evolve. The predicted minimum wage hike to $15 for county employees was put into motion and the biggest question marks regarding the future of the St. Louis County Police Department,… Continue reading The State of the County
The Townes at Geyer Grove
Update 07/07/2020: Construction on the site is underway and we've gotten our first glimpse of what the finished form of the product will look like. Turns out it basically looks like every other house in Kirkwood, just closer together and without a big garage in front. See everybody, building more homes can be painless! Rendering… Continue reading The Townes at Geyer Grove
Grant’s Trail Extension:
A Silver Bullet
Please Note: I should have linked to this Webster Kirkwood Times article on the rail spur that much of this proposal is based off of. It is interesting and informative, and great local journalism. But I did not because, like an idiot, I did not read it until after I finished writing this post. It… Continue reading Grant’s Trail Extension: A Silver Bullet
The James (formerly the Kirkwood Flats)
Update 08/19/2021 After receiving first reading approval on a 5-2 vote, Altus used up almost all of their year-long window to submit their final plans. That wait is finally over. At tonight's Planning & Zoning meeting, they will present the fruits of that process, and pending a pro-forma second reading approval by City Council, begin… Continue reading The James (formerly the Kirkwood Flats)
Housing in Kirkwood Explained
This is part one of a three part series on housing. In this post I seek to quantify and contextualize the extent of Kirkwood housing situation, and explain its importance. In the accompanying companion pieces I will first examine the current politics of the issue within Kirkwood and offer suggestions for reform. In the third… Continue reading Housing in Kirkwood Explained
The Great Alley Revival
There's a case to be made that the hallmark of a place being legitimately urban is not tall buildings, a subway system or a perfectly intact street grid but rather the presence of alleys. And even if there's not a case to be made, I'm about to try and make one! Just because alleys are… Continue reading The Great Alley Revival
Jefferson Ave Re-imagined:
8 Steps to Making a Better Street
Two years ago today I published my first blog post on this website. That post was Kirkwood Road Re-imagined, an analysis of the street that is the heart and soul of downtown and the city as a whole. This time I want to look at what is perhaps Kirkwood's most underrated street: Jefferson Ave. Context… Continue reading Jefferson Ave Re-imagined: 8 Steps to Making a Better Street